Don't be fooled! This may look like Mary Poppins, but it's really me.
Really! Honest.

Words can't adequately express what my critique group has meant to me
However, I've penned a Holiday poem to give tribute to this wonderful group of people.
Janelle at the ball. Pink braids are soooo "In"!

Me, Joe, and a few people I just met at lunch. Ian is behind the camera

our group having a little predinner dinner of Chick-fil-A :0)
Mike, Kathy Janelle, Jenny, Don,
Karen, and I can't tell who's behind Karen)
By Christy Evers
Twas my first year of crit group. In my toddler-filled home
My fingers were typing, ‘til the pain made me groan.
Paper and snacks were set up with care
In hopes that my butt would stay glued to the chair.
In the sanctum of Starbucks we faithfully met
While visions of book deals made our palms sweat.
Janelle with her laptop, and her warm smiling face
Arrived early to reserve our beloved corner space.
When out of the walls there arose such a clatter
Oh, if only to silence the musical chatter!
Away to the Barista
Ian flew like a deer
“Turn off that music! Don’t you know we can’t hear?”
The fluorescent lighting on the faces below
Made my skin look sallow; an unflattering glow.
When, what to my wondering ears should I hear?
The wisdom of “Crit Group”, which I hold so dear.
They pulled out their papers so lively and quick
Oh my! There’s so much red ink! I just may get sick.
More rapid than eagles the comments they came
As they went round the circle my comrades exclaim,
“A dash there. A dot here. Now that’s a nice line.
I like this idea. Work on meter and rhyme.
It looks like you’ve used every tense know to man
Try, now, and pick only one if you can.”
So off to the
conference the breakouts we took,
With wisdom and knowledge to sell book after book.
We dressed up in
costumes for the Grand Crystal BallIf I may say so myself; our group’s the funnest of all. :0)
So now into the New Year we fly
When we set our new goals, we’ll reach for the sky
What adventures and success will 2008 hold?
We’ll go marching together! May all our books be sold!
Our little critique group is fresh and unique.
Now put your red pens away! This poem is not up for critique! :0)
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!