NaNo is a pretty large monster of a word count to tackle. 50,o00 words in one month. I'm not even writing my actual book. I'm writing a book about my book. The back story and character sketches . . . if I get that far.
It helps me to break down those mongo-freaky numbers into smaller parts. Let's see . . .
There's 5 weeks in November. That = 10,000 words per week.
week 1 has 5 days = 2,000 words per day
Week 2-4 has 7 days =1428.57 words per day
Week 5 has 4 days = 2,500 words per day
OK. I think I can manage the daily word averages. All that will take is discipline to make useless time into writing time. (buh-bye facebook games)
This is what I need, though. I need to get back into a regular writing schedule. Dump my brain-numbing down time and make it productive again.
Let's see . . . what other numbers will this month of NaNo Wrimo hold?
at least . . . .
30+ cups of coffee
29 time of scolding myself for checking facebook
8 pens
7 pencils
26 sticky notes that I misplace
25 late nights
24 more times of scolding myself for checking facebook
3 scones
22 cups of tea
21 new songs on the i pod
10 crumpled pieces of loose leaf paper
50 times pushing my cat off my keyboard
and a partridge in a pear tree. . . . . (squawking at me for checking facebook)
But it's not really about the numbers . . . is it? It's about setting a goal and reaching it. It's about getting your backside nice and comfy in your seat of choice for the long-haul.
Even if you're not doing NaNo this month, what kind of goals do you have and how do you set yourself up to meet them?