Let's give a big WELCOME to author/illustrator, Ian Sands. And I might want to add. . . the interview is about as entertaining as the book. You don't want to miss this!
1) Can you tell us what How to Milk a Dinosaur is about?
Sure, as long as you promise not to share this with anyone. I don’t want you posting this on your blog or Facebook or anyplace crazy where everyone can see my inside guts.
Don't worry Ian, Nobody Else will see this. Promise! ;0D
Dinocow is a true account of something that happened to me when I was a kid. I changed a few things to protect the innocent, like my teacher’s real name and the fact that the dinosaur was a triceratops and not a stegosaurus but everything else really happened.
2) What did you like the best about writing this book?
I liked how easy it was to write. All I had to do was remember what happened and write it down. That makes writing so easy because you don’t get bogged down having to use your imagination or making stuff up. I also liked writing about Jules because, even though I sort of was snippy with her in the story, she really was my bestest friend.
3) What did you like the least about writing this book?
I don’t like all that stuff that gets in the way of having fun when I write like spelling stuff right and punctuationing things correctly.
4) You did the cover art as well . . . tell us a little bit about your art background.
What’s this “us” stuff? Do you have multiple personalities? I hope you aren’t sharing this with anyone.
Of course not. I mean "me" . . . tell ME about your art background (insert evil giggle here)
Anyhow, I don’t have an art background. I have an art curse. When I was in high school I wanted to be a rock star and I told my mother that music was my future. She got mad and said art was my future. Little did I know that from that point on, anything that I tired that was non-art would fail miserably. So I went to art school and later became a graphic designer and now I teach art. And I really like teaching art but without the curse I’m sure I could have become a professional goalie.
5) What are you working on right now?
I’m trying to write a big boy book, a manuscript that is more than 5,000 words. Meanwhile, I’ve got plenty of manuscripts for the slush piles. I’ve also been working on a series of artworks I’ve titled pop expressionism and have been doing fairly well lining up exhibits for 2009.
Ok, I wrote the answers to your questions. Now, where are the cookies you promised me?
The cookies are in the mail, Ian! Thanks for sharing with us . . . errrr. . . ummm. . . I mean me. :0D
Now, for all of you who aren't REALLY reading this, go ahead and leave a comment below and I'll enter your name for a free, autographed copy of How to Milk a Dinosaur! The drawing will take place on Wednesday. Or, you can order your copy here!
A true account? I'm intrigued!
LOL! If hz bk is anything like the intrvw, I want 1!
Funny! Hope I win!
Ian sounds like a hoot and a holler, I imagine his book is pretty darn good!
(and I still picture Ben Stiller pretending to milk a cat in Meet the Parents when I hear that book title :0)
I so need to win this book for my grandboy! Tell Ian to sign it for Collin!
Fingers crossed...
I didn't really read all about Ian's new book just now. Honest I didn't. And I think he should go ahead and try out that professional goalie stint after he writes lots more great books and makes more amazing pop art. Honest.
My son is only five but he already wants to be an artist. He asked for art lessons and wants to write books and draw the pictures for the books. So reading this interview was kind of cool because I wouldn't know the first thing about illustrating.
Anyway, I'd love to be entered in this contest. Very fun.
I don't know how I feel about drinking dinosaur milk...that is, assuming one drinks it after it is milked from the dinosaur.
"...drinking dinosaur milk..." Good point! Dinosaur milk cheese? Low-fat dinosaur milk frozen yogurt? Chips and DinoSour Cream Cheese Dip? Now I really want to read the book!
Someone told me to leave a comment on this post WITHOUT reading it...so I am!
Hope ur having a great day.
What a hoot! (But of course I didn't read it, so I'm only assuming it's a hoot, you know, like an owl?)
Hooray for Ian! He's a great illustrator too. Details about his current art display in Raleigh are on my blog. His characters are great!
Ian, you had me at the title.
Love the doodle!
Dear Christy,
Ian is so funny. He is funny 24 hours a day, 365 1/4 days a year! He is multi-gifted in art, music, being a goalie, writing, and humor.
I will be honored if I win the autographed copy of "How to Milk a Dinosaur."
I love the title of this book...and Ian, you age so well...I never would have guessed that this was an actual account of your life...wow...I'm impressed... ;)
Sounds like an important job manual. I need to read it truly.
That has got to be the funniest interview I've read in a while. We think, um, I mean I think you're hysterical.
: )
Ha! Hilarious interview! If I don't win, I will have to order it :)
very cute thanks for the giveaway
Looks like it would be a fun book for the kid's.
Great Title and Great front cover.... Looks like a wonderful book
My grandkids would get a huge kick out of this, how fun!
I'd love to win the autographed copy
tiramisu392 (at) yahoo.com
Ha! Great interview Christy and Ian! Sounds like an interesting book too.
Thanks for the giveaway.
Now that's an entertaining interview!!!! My kids will love this book! So will I! I swear!
If the book's half as much fun as the interview I'll definitely have to get it. Thanks, Christy.
I'm way at the end here, but I hope I win too! We've got a lot of lizards around here, and every little bit helps...
As an added bonus Christy, I have nominated you for the Kreativ Blog award!
What the heck is going on here? I thought you said you wouldn't post this! And worse yet, i never got the cookie!!!
BTW, this makes me poster # 32 which just happens to be my goalie number.
Hey! No fair entering the contest! YOu already have a copy of the book!!!
Ok... if I don't win (and even if I do) I know have a list of about 3 children who NEED this book. =)
Sounds like fun. Thanks for the chance.
I refuse to believe there were any innocent people in this story, but sign me up anyway.
sounds like a fun read!
Wow Count my family in!
Great interview. Typical Ian style LOL. If I don't win, can I order an autographed copy?
How funny! :)
Am I too late? I hope not. Ian IS a hoot (and a hollar!) and I want to start a dinosaur milk farm so this book is very important for me. If I don't figure out how to milk a dinosaur, then I can't make my dinocheese or dinoyogurt.
This is very important.
So there.
very fun post. too bad that I'm too late for the drawing. that's what happens when you don't open every single e-mail in your inbox. ian is such a hoot!
Ian's secret is safe with me. How DO you milk a dinosaur? And why would you want to?
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