Monday, March 24, 2008

Here's my plan. . . (My feathered wakeful thought of the week)

Back in February I was inspired to use my blog as a writing discipline. As it turns out, it's much harder to do than I anticipated. I can't always think of something to blog about. So, I'm going to try something new. I usually like to be spontaneous and fly-by-the-seat-of-my-pants. In most cases, I function much better when I don't have too much structure to follow. It bogs me down. However, I do see the benefits of structure. I do wish I functioned better in a structural surrounding. Especially now, with more people in my life to think about and more responsibilities, life is hectic and w/o structure, chaos ensues. Too much chaos is equally as binding as too much structure.

Monday's are my slowest day of the week. I usually use Monday as my big cleaning/organizing day at home. Then, the rest of the week happens and things pile up faster than I can deal with it all. I'm in search of a "structure" that will help me deal with this new phase in my life.

I find all of this is very similar to the Discipline of writing. A plan will probably make me more productive. I'm going to try to have a loose structure to my blog and see if that helps me to stay on track.

So, here's my loosely structured writing-discipline blog plan:

In honor of a phrase by Henry David Thoreau, Monday's writing discipline will be like my cleaning/orgainzing day. It will be my day of "Feathered wakeful thoughts" in aticipation of the new week. This is the day to organize, get inspired and look forward to the days ahead. So, that makes today's feathered wakeful thought about making plans for a writing blog. :0) Each day will feature a different topic:

Monday = Feathered Wakeful thoughts: Anticipating the new week.

Tuesday = Current readings: Book reviews or thoughts/observations on what I'm currently reading.

Wednesday = My current Work in Progress/ Learning the business of writing

Thursday = Pick of the week: What I've read on other blogs or web-sites that I find noteworthy.

Friday = Share Day: Illustration Friday, favorite lines, poems or whatever I feel like sharing

Saturday/Sunday = open.

Now, that seems to be just enough structure to keep myself disciplined, but flexible enough to avoid monotony. I hope. We'll see how it works.

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