I did it! 50,000 words in one month. I worked on one YA slice of life and 1/2 of a YA fantasy novel. Though both are VERY rough draft, I do think they are both promising enough to work on. But first, I need to polish up and send out my current WIP. This past week has been really hard, becuase I've been sick and had lots of headaches, which made it hard to concentrate and many nights I went to bed after the kids went to sleep, instead of writing. But I plugged along and got'er done!
Stay tuned. . . because I have a special treat to end NaNo WriMo. I have a guest interview with the author of Skin Hunger, Kathleen Duey. Along with the interview I'm going to have a book drawing for skin Hunger. Come back sometime tomorrow. I'll post it then.
For now, my fingers need a break.
I'm so happy for you! Huge congratulations!
Congratulations, Christy! Well done. You've definitely got more stamina than me.
Hooray for Christy! I sent you a NaNoMail earlier today when I saw that you'd hit your numbers. Congrats!
Thanks PJ!
OHHHH, Susan! I like NaNo Ninja. That has a nice ring to it! :0)
Thanks Kate, but I bet you've got it in you too!
Kai! I'll have to check my NaNo mail. I haven't been good with checking the NaNo site. Thanks! :0)
Congrats--I knew you could do it!!
Congratulations Christy!
I knew you'd do it! You were an inspiration for me to keep going. Thanks!
Woo-hoo! I want the chicken!
Congrats, Christy! That is a huge accomplishment!
Thanks Angela!
Thanks Rena! And congrats on reaching your goal!
Thanks Jacqui! You can cut and past eh properties for the chicken and put it on your blog. I got it from the same site where I got my word counter on the side bar. They have a bunch of NaNo icons you can choose from.
Thanks Kelly! :0)
Impressive! Congratulations on making your goal!
Woohoo!!!! Yay!! Congrats Christy!! :) :)
CONGRATS CHRISTY!!! NaNo was tough and I worked all through last night to get my 50,000 so I'm ready for a nap...but I keep reading and catching up on blogs instead!!! grin...
Thanks guys! And congrats to everybody else who did it too!
Woo Hoo! Yay You! Way to go Christy!!!
That's a huge accomplishment!
Congratulations! What an achievement!
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